Visit. Explore. Dream.
an alternative to Airbnb & other sites
Join the hosting club today.
Hosts Annual Membership
Only hosts pay a yearly fee of $199 to be a part of this site. There are no other hidden fees or charges that this site charges. Never again should you be concerned with being blocked from Airbnb or other sites for unknown, unexplained & unfounded reasons. Never again should you be concerned with states limiting rights of your home to be stuck with vacancies and problematic situations financially. This site allows you a place to always be able to show the world that you are open for business when and if they need you.
Include your home
Increased exposure to quality clients to increase bookings without the extra costs. Once you become a member simply view the existing listing for examples and send over maximum of 3 pictures, title, short description, email and phone number for guests to be able to reach you on. That’s it and whenever you booked send us an email to remove and when you are ready for us to place back up just email us back its just that simple.